On this episode of Newy Tech People I interview Pat Wheaton, Co-Founder at CureVentus & Director at Core Connect Group.
Pat and I discuss how CureVentus, a technology platform, was born out of the learnings from a consultancy agency. Pat discusses the challenges and opportunities he has faced in building a technology company.
Hope you enjoy this episode!
Welcome to NewyTechPeople podcast today we have Pat waited from cure Ventus welcome Pat thanks James for the people that don’t know he like it’s quick overview where have you come from who are you what do you do father – yeah I live locally in Newcastle I grew up in Tim Wirth i from a big family grew up in Tamworth and came to Newcastle to university I had a clinical background so it’s studying radiography and then radiography kind of took me around the world working over in the UK tour Judy for most people at that time and then came back into corporate world will start working for GE it’s pretty lucky to get some experience and a big global company and then from there set up consulting business it looked to move back to Newcastle I set up called connect group a few years ago and then you know from core connect group really sort of uncovered some insights that led to partnering with Jeremy Gupta and we found in queue of interests so country kid clinical guy really passion about healthcare and yeah okay Kane image is surf I live and biking but I love lovely around family and outdoors and I spent very nice you mentioned Jeremy without Jeremy on the episode before he’s a he’s a goddamn a talent right here and it’s pretty cool to see a someone from not a pure tech background building in technology come here I had taken that sort of the consultancy world you know technology tell us a little bit about how that’s come about yeah it was a few things so I guess during my time at GE there was always this you know news focus on innovation and I was pretty fortunate work working in different parts that business to see how technology had been used to help solve some big industrial challenges and also then through the consulting work you’re looking at ways to solve the problem so I was kind of credit a roofer country backer and you can’t laugh problem-solving and you know technology’s just that you know that’s that that problem solver for me and that enabler is the outcomes the other thing that kind of led attack is one of my brother’s actually Newcastle based company company called hunter actually I think they set up a software platform for maintenance of superyachts asset management and maintenance of superyachts and I was how we’ve got to observe these guys kind of you know pull their technical knowledge into creative software and that was always going to back my mind so I’m seeing this you know software startup team closely from from you know my brother’s perspective and then you know to sorts of a came together and you know it was obvious that technology was going to be an opportunity to you know solve other problems that we were observing and that’s so that came back yes if I had killed entus was born yeah so we through like I said through the consulting engagements we’d applied you know similar framework I’m like it’s all exciting but cut you off meant tell us about that consulting side first because that allows does sort of grow yeah okay yeah so cool connector group I set it up after working you know within the corporate health within corporate world in response to something with sort of seeing where healthcare businesses had sort of struggled to in access specific kind of leadership expertise and operational expertise you know so often people I was interacting with it they were subscale they didn’t have you know its marketing department and IT department they didn’t have that kind of structure the big organizations happened I guess what I’ve been working within and so I set up core connect group around the basis of providing health care clients with access to specie core competencies yeah that’s a [ __ ] it group and that core competencies that came in the form of people who had worked operationally in healthcare who had specific skills that I thought would be valuable to healthcare clients I’ve always been really focused in healthcare area I’m really passionate about that there’s a lot of opportunities yeah so the the consulting business we team of people who were sort of seen in healthcare execs people who had worked operationally and you know we were helping with strategy operations management we still do today but through those engage there was a kind of consistent need and their need is clearly articulating a strategy allocating you know tasks you know that operational execution piece and then also that need to track and implement and so through engagements we created a bit of a framework to do that and then it was you know it was really sort of smack in the face it was that that need that opportunity to turn that into you know a platform right so you know that was fortunate there’s you know a lot of opportunities in health and we kind of you know I with with so many other folks we kind of realize that there’s a big opportunity that to make it more scalable and actually software and technologies the way to do that so that’s how we kind of converted the consulting into cubensis very nice I liked here you know people that know know that patch and they are using technology to help you know provide I’ll build scalable business off the back of that is that I definitely a higher degree of success off the back of a company really knowing what they do know their area know their clients know the problem yeah and using technology to sort of help solve that and scale well yeah so I think we we observed that you’re probably more the fundamental themes of how healthcare organizations operate yeah and you know like Health Care’s full of like really really smart people there’s no no shortage of intelligence in healthcare and you’ve got these really committed people but O’Connell also observe that there were generally pretty low in I guess adoption and sophistication in some of the being proven leadership principles yeah an organizational organizational relationship principles and there’s also a general Patriots the management’s bake in the concept of consults gonna come in so we went to great lengths towards make sure that we weren’t you know operating like consultants we really kind of look to embed ourselves I really understand a business and then provide our clients with our framework for them to you know direct their energy and their intelligence to getting outcome so that then translated perfectly into you know a technology in the software approach so perhaps the greatest success we have had in consulting engagements is bliing where we’ve helped extract a strategy help articulate a strategy from those really smart people in the business and when we’ve just helped create that framework for them to you know to execute on it yeah nurse and so that’s that’s how it’s all kind of come together nice and obviously you’ve gone about it for partnering up whether a strong technical going Jeremy yeah I had you and Jeremy me yeah we’ve known each other a long time sort of socially common circle of friends think of Jeremy’s from these medical family right so he’s doctors brothers he’s blossom nurse he’s a medical guy who’s in this who says it’s really strong to take background yeah so we caught often you know catching up socially you’d be you be kind of sharing notes on how messed up healthcare is and you know I always looked to other industries to help solve those problems within health and and Jeremy was always someone who’s who’s you know approach and he logical was really respected and you know it was actually I’d been at a conference and I knew so when Jeremy was still playing and moving into Newcastle I knew that we wanted to do something together we want to do something health but I’ll buy I was kind of kicking around a few different approaches to solving a problem and I’ve been in a conference in the States and it just sort of hit me in the face that what health needed was this kind of these framework ability to articulate and we kind of later but they asked straight on the phone to Jeremy and end up leaving him at the airport when I landed you know to kind of run through it and he just got up straightaway and he just knows you know he knows health world that he’s also got this brilliant kind of tech this tech background and similar kind of problem-solving approach so now I’ve been really lucky well together oh man I think that’s one of the I guess biggest challenges from I guess startups and the inventors would be a start kind of send-off off the side or a really strong consulting business but when the challenges is just flying a really strong co-founder somebody’s skills a complementary to yours yeah as opposed to getting two of the same people as someone getting that complementary skill set yeah coming together to help build a platform yeah it’s funny like it’s almost like well kind of like I knew that I wanted to do something with Jeremy in the text back like in health text based and and it was it was then refining what that would look like took a bit of time so he spot on it yeah the right people complementary skill set its yeah you’re you’re you’re a long line towards your day I’ll go Chiefs and meaningful outcomes so you and Jeremy team that right Jeremy is obviously the tech the leader within your company you don’t come from that pure tech background how have you found that so that division of roles how technical you within the the company and they’re always that you come up with an idea and Jeremy or build it or is it an oval out there how’s it has it come for somebody like yourself coming from that you know you come with the knowledge that background but moving into a building a tech company how’s that been experience it’s better I really enjoyed it so I’ll be pretty fortunate through the consulting work we’ve been involved in a few interacting interview early-stage health tech companies and yeah and again I’m unfortunate that you know good networking people who have been on a similar journey so I’ve been close to a couple of health tech startups and the day of kind of provided some really good mentorship on you know thing how to approach things and I you know trust Jeremy hundred percent he he takes the lead things all things technical but we’ve got a really good sort of interaction with it was a really good sort of mechanism for him being able to break down the team quite a bit and so that I can digest them yeah I make sure I at least ask the question on on on all details but I only want to kind of each deep yeah responded that’s all I can handle ideas really good just you know giving giving the giving the updates on you know tech approach and you know the process the technical details in a way that I can comprehend them so it was kind of egis lessons from guidance from those mentors I’ve been lucky enough to have who kind of said you know make sure you understand you know the tech it’s make sure you come for them in it and you’ve got everything really clearly documented so that’s one of the things that we’re really good to drive is real rigor around documentation and yeah I’ve sought to get get comfortable with the technical approach with technical details but you know ultimately it’s trusting in Jeremy in that like he said that complementary skill set works well together yeah you got to know what you’re building and sort of at a high level how you’re building a video need to know how to write the code right yeah that was me i you know i I’ve I’ve at least attempted to comprehend all elements of Zen it’s a real like I love learning problems I love seeing the pieces of outcomes together so I really enjoyed that puppet but it’s trap it’s you know trust understanding the level of detail that you need to know yeah and then yeah just keeping track on things yeah that’s yeah yeah from I guess the side part of that transition from a consultancy business which is obviously revenue generating in one way – yeah it’ll become a software as a service business right yeah how has that experience been so if I know it’s early days so if you can’t talk to you know how that revenue split looks but what’s what’s your thoughts around that obviously very different business model for someone like yourself yeah so the consulting business is still very much you know operating and see like a team and people kind of work within that business and it’s its fortune and then it’s by design that the work that we’re doing in humanness is kind of directly related to insights that we get from the consulting business yeah so you know that they support each other so the the foundation the queue Aventis you know clearly articulated strategy that’s focused on patients and tasks that are clearly you know and collaboratively communicated that if that fits perfectly into the consulting work that we’re doing the complimentary right very complimentary and so we’re still you know delivering on some really exciting consulting you additional consulting businesses where possible were actually implementing cue vendors into those engagements so there’s a couple of court connect consulting engagements where you know the framework your interest has been being used and is in place and then equally as a part of implementing the cure vendors framework where there’s a professional service piece there you know to help support yeah so the approach we’ve taken is that there’s a combination of professional service and then software as a service and so I think that’s that that’s approach to help bounce that kind of cash flow conundrum but for me it’s also a brilliant insight generation right so we want to be developing software that helps health care you helped create a better healthcare system and that by being able to abide by being able to support our clients in implementing that it not only helps create professional servers but it helps make sure that we’re capturing those insights from the clients we’re working with yeah sure here are people in the field having these conversations day in day out slugging that back into the software it’s being built yeah you know it’s extremely powerful I don’t building what the customers need and what they’re talking about on the ground as opposed to you know building what you think they need yeah kind of percent and I don’t you know I’m super practical person in the sense that you don’t want to be doing stuff in an academic sense you really just want to be saying how and this is kind of been at the heart of how we’ve approached developing you know the software platform and cubensis it has been you know what is practically going to be implemented and what is it easy for healthcare businesses to adopt and you know we said that’ll be an evolving and evolving beast so we want to keep it close to customers and the professional service engagement in that is the way that we’ve got to do that very nice right health care obviously relatively traditional industry you ever mentioned you’ve been involved or being around some other health tech startups yeah where do you see the change in your industry is a just continuation of more and more health text data there’s obviously a lot of traditional business it’s not going to change over quickly yeah what’s the change you’ve seen a start with what’s a change you’ve seen most over the last three to five years yeah very good questions you answer like health I’d say to beat beat trends so and intercostal injury like this increasing consumer the consumer Century City the the sophistication of consumers you know Evans would Google reviews for doctors and people demanding much more from their you know medical providers so that’s definitely been a big charge of assuming you know he’s directly health care providers haven’t really had to be operating in this super competitive consumer driven environment and but now they certainly do and you know they had a public hospital you know private clinic you’re under scrutiny from the public and rightly so like the consumers should have big same health so Eileen that’s one big piece the other and kind of connected it is that there’s this much more competition so are the competition for funds you know if you’re operating a public sector or competition from your traditional competitors in a private setting so people operators of healthcare businesses having to be much more considerate consider considered in their strategy and how they operate and yet so the traditional kind of things of competitive forces are really implying health yeah yeah and then then the third ones you know the the challenges of of staffing these businesses so I like to ultimately Healthcare’s the ultimate people business that’s how you know you’re operating for patients you’ve got your operation for patients with people you’re often work Leo’s been working for refers so you got this real kind of complex people model and you know businesses are finding it tough to attract and retain you know as well as anyone like the the the millennial workforce you know people take the expectation again shift keys or time so it’s really hard to find staff and especially the really high highly trained you know staff that these healthcare businesses need it’s tough to find people so yeah I surprised those as you know people the the staff retaining talent the competition and then that kind of consumer focus little big things because saying yeah I’ll definitely come back to that people exactly what are you what do you see going forward more of the same or is there anything else that’s coming down the pipe that you think it’s gonna be a significant impact over the next couple years yeah a lot this would be big trend like the kind of value-based cares a bit of a bit of a buzzword yeah and so they’re the basis for value-based care is that yeah the health care providers get paid for the outcomes that they do and that might be in a public setting you know you know yeah readmission rates but but even on a smaller single clearing sky like value-based care to me he’s do people value the outcome that you’re delivering to them yeah and again it comes back to more that kind of you know pay that consumer-driven care so like I think that that’s going to continue to be in our real driving force is how concept of that you need to be delivering outcomes yeah to succeed that’s either your payments will be linked to the outcomes that you deliver or that consumers will and ultimately their payments the consumers will judge you on the outcomes that you deliver so that’s a big one the other like and there’s a lot of tech a lot of hype around artificial intelligence you know particularly like my kind of called backgrounds of medical imaging imaging you know AI super you know I’ve been used you know and a poorly understood change and I think that I I you know it certainly has it certainly has you know so much application within health but you know how it how it fits the regulatory considerations or that’s kind of a big consideration yeah yeah there’s a holiday proof and any thing with health is it there’s so many different markets within healthcare yeah so you’re kind of seeing within aged care you know rule Commission you kind of think the Royal Commission your candidates you know it’s it’s about that kind of consumer that increasing expectations from consumers and again rightly so you know mentioned GP like there’s there’s there’s a lot of sub kind of sectors within healthcare that are all facing you know emerging trends but yeah outcome increased folks of outcomes and that’s all to me like you know healthcare organizations make sure they focus on outcomes yeah yeah so no surprise I’m gonna say that’s one of emerging things no matter hey if you’re tying your business in which you know where you see the feature yeah we should very smart way of operating the other thing is like that being create again these are not unique to health care the increasing availability of data and how data is used you know I think some really exciting applications for that kind of population level data you know people increasingly getting capturing their personal data on phone watches and whatnot and then you know how that flows through into a connection to outcomes who has access who has access so there’s a hole in the problem he’s like the challenges in health you know a so be like it’s is this enormous challenge and you see yeah and the percentage of GDP spent on health in developing world’s not sustainable so people are just scrambling if yeah how do we solve these problems but yeah it is so complex that often progress isn’t being made because you know the attempts to solve the big problems in health care at a be brought population level just take so long and so many complexities so you know we kind of see our role in helping you know create a better health care system you know sort of from the bottom up in the parade yeah I guess yeah that but it being able to make a change right he’s better than you know trying to pull the ocean yeah correctly if he you know he’s started to play and I you have to be a better partner hopefully that leads more and more and then you’ll be able to effect and implement more changes yeah yeah as opposed to trying to tackle you know curing cancer yeah from the top down around on you one other you’ve got the screaming to my mind the other thing that we’re seeing a lot of in health and again it’s really related to that element is you know the bullying and harassment and you know workplace is something that again Healthcare’s possibly lagged a lot of other industries where you’re seeing a whole heap of examples where workforces are really pushing back and sort of say hey we’re not treated the way we want to be treated and you’re kind of seen that that’s a really currently in the moment there’s a whole heap of organizations that are going through these challenges of you know hey we’re not being treated how we want to be treated and that’s creating the issues of health care operators and and you know again that’s something that’s happening it’s gonna be evident in other industries tell me the health care so that’s something that’s kind of hot pot near Howie’s yeah you know how do these organizations make sure that their staff with being you know engaged and you know provided environment that I’ve been yeah that’s very prevalent and you get this your atthenes most people heard some stories and I yeah you know entering entering the workforce especially in the in the hospital space you don’t know how you’re traded an intern and you through that through that phase so yeah as he says it’s not something that’s just you know just sits within healthcare it’s it’s something that affects a number of industries yeah if we bring that back to what you’re actually doing you’re building a platform that helps companies provide some frameworks around that right yeah so a lot of what you’ve talked about is that that people side of things yes there isn’t much pretty highly with me and I meant mention you know attracting staff retaining staff people seems to be very centric talk your ventas that’s right yeah how has your platform helping helping tackle that you know building strong teams yeah so for me like strong teams I mentioned earlier the Health Care’s full of these really really smart people correct and historically yeah and often you know still today a lot of the smart people in health adjust engaged to complete a specific kind of technical or clinical task they’re not really connected into a broader organization and there’s this there’s this kind of hatred or you know lack of trust towards management you know keyboard warriors we’re tapping away and you know what would they know they don’t know what we do and they’re not in the fear then on the field and and it’s in like just health care’s full of these really noble distractions you know like living people alive and doing all these health care stuff so there’s is a disconnect between frontline teams and management so here there’s for me that’s one of the big issues how you can kind of create that breach and cure Aventis is a framework to help bring transparency across an organization the other thing that we see is that so not only in the frontline teams not engaged to be involved potentially beyond you know their immediate technical of clinical capability they don’t actually know what the organization is really quite working towards yeah and to solve some of those big challenges that we spoke about in this aging population you know a percentage of GDP spent on health organizations are increasingly having to adopt technology to say yeah so to adopt a technology to implement a new bit of kit to solve some big problems ultimately comes down to people yeah and so health has been again pretty poor managing change so change management something that the big organizations be focused on investing investing in for a long time health not the same level of and these are big generalizations of it but a lot of health care organizations don’t don’t engage their frontline teams and don’t build that bridge between you know management and fine-tuned they don’t really invest in and prioritize change management and they don’t the other themes kind of relate to the way that they’re perceived externally is that they don’t really market themselves and the reality is it’s creasing Lee competitive and you’re having to connect to your consumers it’s kind of marketing and they’re not they’re not great at articulating what they’re about to other their patients or referrers so what Q of anti-seize is is a software platform that helps an organizer really clearly articulate what their priorities are and this summons unique your ventus’s we we believe that patients and people should be the center of all the healthcare businesses strategy right so for us good business in health care is having a strategy that’s really got patients and staff at the epicenter yeah so what Q Aventis does is it encourages you to set your strategy around patient and people outcomes and then it helps you break that that that strategy down into actionable items so the key thing that we see is that no sure that’s really smart people in health care really well intended often great strategic plans you know plans but poorly executed so you see a whole lot of health care organizations that just aren’t reaching their potential because they they’re either not clearly articulating and their plan or they’re not executing on it so Q Venters simply strategic a framework that helps you just document what you’re all about and we’re encouraged and we kind of help make sure that’s focused on patient people and then breaks it down into specific initiatives what you’re going to do about it and then even goes down to the next level where individuals within an organization can set their specific contributions through to that that overarching organizational strategy so what that does you know and some other features it gives transparency across your organization so you kind of see that hey you know Bob the keyboard warrior I actually do the key things that he’s working on and and you know he’s doing really meaningful things to help you serve patients better and you know frontline staff top their X you know they’re working on these things in addition to their clinical things that help contribute to the broader strategy to business so that’s kind of what it’s all about it’s it’s you know like I said it started its really creating a simple framework to help organizations you know set their plan and execute on their plan so they’re kind of reaching their potential it sounds like helping create like alignment within the business right making sure everyone’s sort of feeding up to that common strategy or come and go yeah I don’t know like alignment is a real key thing so the you know you get this kind of environment where you’ve got super smart people super you get more meaningful purpose than helping other people but what we find is healthcare organizations often have a lot of inefficiency and a wasting energy because they’re not really well aligned and I always try to avoid you know cliched having these terms but that alignment really is key thing so if you know you know I’m asked to do this specific thing in a certain way because it ladders up to our you know team initiative to our to our patient focus objective and ultimately up to a company you know visual mission it’s a summit or meaningful and what we also find is that those challenges of change management become less less of a barrier when there is a clearly articulated reason why you’re doing what you’re doing and so cure vanna’s really simple framework document and then that has a whole raft of applications to address the challenges in health yeah wait sounds like there’s a definite business opportunity there right yeah you know the market you know the problem and your software the building is you’re helping self that right yeah well I’m we I can but not not dissimilar to the approach that the platform encourages which is focus on patients and people and the revenge and outcomes results will follow yeah it’s the same approach we’re taking to the business right so for us we’re really passionate about making a better healthcare system and so that’s about delivering better outcomes for patients in making health as a sector a better place to work right so that’s the other real important thing that we see is that people are increase like so the challenges of finding the right people retaining talent making sure people feel engaged and connected that’s a really big challenge for for health care and often health care workers that kind of have forgotten their forgotten ones in equation so for us we see that making the healthcare system is about helping bring us a focus to patient people outcomes helping to support the people that work in in healthcare and ultimately what kind of providing tools to healthcare leaders so they can get on with their job it’s a bit of a dis you know show you know dis ruptor out there but it’s it’s a bit disruptive to the traditional consulting model and so we see we don’t think that you know a bit ironic coming from a consulting background although I never conquered eyesores consultant all those advisers we see that the answer to fixing science problems is giving the healthcare operators is really smart people a tool yeah so as he said you’ve met a couple of times obviously very intelligent people operating in this space right yeah and you’re not you know coming in and telling them you know what that strategy should be on how to do that you’re just providing some software there that allows them to import that knowledge pour that in and build that in that out of a framework yeah and then provide actual tasks to the rest of the organizer and sort of a line and get work toward that yeah spot-on and that that’s really key for us is that yeah there might be some organizations that need help in you know setting you know really clear vision for the organization and helping you know prioritize what things to work on but there for a large part I found that these organizations have this have the smarts they’ve got the right pieces they just need to put it all together and then absolute key thing is that it means nothing unless you execute so from again big generalization but for mine from my side I’ve seen it how a lot of healthcare organizations they’ve got the right strategy and it just doesn’t and as it’s not fully fully executed and it’s because they haven’t necessarily conceded that the people element to it yeah I recall a discussion I had with a with an executive a big Hospital group and it said you know we’ve got no shortage of amazing technology you know we’ve got the latest in a kit we’ve got the best software platforms operationally within the hospital that is I just need help with driving adopt and change right and so that was that was a real kind of formative moment for me where you know you you also the success of any project comes down to how the people that are at the front line adopt it and not enough attention is paid to that so yeah again that’s that’s that’s one of the things that we really see is if you go opportunities we want to play a part in helping those providers who have got amazing solutions to fix the problem in healthcare we want to help them succeed by kind of creating a framework where they can yeah I think the last part on that as well would be the recruitment side obviously getting people on board you’re in attracting people your company people are much more these like a motivated by what they’re doing who they’re doing it for what’s the why behind what they’re doing they’re not just coming in you know technology build your software and say what are we building what problems are solving who are we building it for in your case if this allows you to take that down to the lower level and say okay these are the actual tasks you’re going to be doing on a day to day basis which lead to these bigger goals which led to the company vision you don’t sort of take that the whole way up you can really create some strong messaging around that for attraction yes yeah and I think that’s that is a real key thing so a part of building the the winning team within health and it’s increasingly important that you are creating the right team because a lot of wasted energy gets spent on you know negative people or inefficient people so for us the first step in in creating that winning team is knowing who you are I’m not sure that as an organization so you can’t expect to recruit a star when you don’t know what positions are open in your team so for us having cube enters kind of helping you create that really clear record of who you are and what you’re about easy really stage one of building out a great team yep then there’s the the traditional things of trying to promote and find those talent but but then once you’ve got that base that definition of who you are a record of who you are makes it much easier to be able to articulate that to people to see if they want to get on the bus yeah and then a way to be able to evaluate them against it until you get ten candidates here’s who we are how do they align to that and that but that applies for buying equipment recruiting people you know so as an organization you need to know what we’re all about and how do the offerings in the market align with who were about fact and in a way one of the other things that cure mantis really aims to solve is to drive more efficient decision-making in health so the other thing you know observe a lot is a whole of meetings and interactions with a whole lot of smart people going in circles all right so often you put you know 10 super intelligent people in you struggle to get a consensus right so for us it’s about how can you clearly articulate do you have a clear framework to make decisions by yeah super outcome focus on those outcomes be patient people-centric right 100% and if you’ve got an outcomes if there’s an outcome focused decision smart people won’t debate like they can cook create connection we’re doing this because we wanted to so what’s important to us is X this decision supports that because of this isn’t is never goes yeah whereas if you don’t have that you’ll have this perpetual debate and you might you won’t you might get outcomes so for us it’s it’s the the recruiting people really clear framework who you are what you’re about evaluating people against that and then the other important thing and I think it’s too much focus put on performance management the negative connotation of performance management and there’s really not enough spin on the right side of the bell curve encouraging you good performance well if you do yeah if you know the other side of things hopefully beautiful less of that performance benefit right yeah exactly right so for me if you’ve got if you’ve got a clear framework of what it is what your organization is all about what you’re working towards and what you expected people the people who aren’t performing to stand out and it’s much easier to have those tough conversations and I think you fight the people action myself oh yes they know that they know yeah yeah but if you don’t have that you have this you know and unfortunately a lot of people have been in that situation we’re in you know that negative performance management kind of process and yeah so that’s that’s something again I’ve observed way too many brilliant smart clinicians who could be doing really amazing things for patients being sucked out of that and being caught up doing you know people related things that are avoidable and I think they’re avoidable if you’ve got clear framework and you’ve got you know a basis to set your expectation amongst your team nice plan that’s we’re talking about you jeromy’s obviously moved the area yeah boo from tamati family see me building your team here why Newcastle yeah so I grew up in Tamil it’s been a chunk of time overseas we start having family he didn’t see me it was just like I didn’t want I didn’t I didn’t necessarily want to be here bring up family see me and you know I love I love the outdoors and I love yeah being sort of a part of a community and I kind of felt that you know it’s hard to kind of find that PNC means so Newcastle having been to uni here my wife and I both been to uni and you know we both country kids and it’s just like New Castle’s does the biggest country town with with with good beaches and so I love the sense of community I love the fact that you kind of that you feel part of the town the other thing importantly for for maze I felt that having been a uni here I could see that the change is happening in town in the railway with DARPA or there’s new developments all this stuff going on I feel there’s a really good energy in town and it is good to be a part of that I think that the I got this real sense that you know Newcastle was was you know some of the things that maybe with some of the negatives to do with Newcastle were resolving where it’s living in Sydney I feel that some of the negative just come bounding yeah I think new house is all heading in the right direction yeah University guide for Newcastle yeah such an asset probably undervalued by a lot of people I think both to bringing people to the area for a reason for people to stay you know the jobs and opportunities to create something in the university is fantastic and probably Amanda valued for us yeah mate you’re obviously a busy man going from you know one business I was still operating on business and building a staff on the side how do you how do you operate a what’s it what’s a day look like from you from managing a work light or a Productivity perspective yeah I think the important thing is making sure you focused on your life I think the whole yeah well being part and having time set aside Bissell is important part of it I still come in the car a lot into the community doing amazing Sydney or or that I tend to make sure that I’ve blocked time out throughout my day and make sure that I’ve got the key tasks I need to get completed locked in the calendar and set aside I also make sure where I’ve got you know members of the team or other people working on tasks I make sure I prioritize setting them on the right direction and bit making myself available so that kind of really takes a priority for me so where I’ve got someone working on the task we’re working on something together always prioritize that time and even to the point of having irregular things so scheduled so you can be available I also made sure that I I fit in you know exercise or you know yeah exercise and Michael so I mean you know throughout my week yeah I find that’s really good to clear your mind to enable something more creative kind of the problem-solving stuff so yeah for me really clear clear allocation of time for specific tasks and then in setting aside that time you know I’m creating a clear to-do list and I usually do that in that kind of after-hours in the quiet time your phone I mean I’ll you know make sure I’ve got it clearly to do at least lock in the timer and need to prioritize spending time with the team to make sure stuffs on track you know and then making sure you kind of you’re equally prioritizing that time where you can keep your head clear and keep yourself you know keep yourself fit and well so you can perform at the best yeah I think if you don’t do that right you can suck in the weeds ya think guilty of that myself and next thing you know you look at the scales and they’re pretty sad yeah my life just gets away or how you get stuck in the ways you don’t get that time to work on strategy or where this is heading you know type of things so you know I think that’s quite important you know I think the for me all you know the beat the beat challenge of things that you really need to put your head to you need allocate the time to it and I find that having that kind of period being you know on the by the surf and the gym or something they were just walking either clarity in mind helps you solve those seem so much bigger yeah and you know one of the biggest curses is just keeping yourself busy you know when you got a lot on scan yourself busy I find I perform much better when I’ve got you know here’s what I’m doing punch had it put a lot of energy real clear mind and kind of get it done I completely agree yeah okay from an educational perspective I take a– the continual learn i am there any books podcasts anything you’ve read or learned listen to that you would you would say it’s highly important or hot you found highly valuable yeah one of the things I do is when I come up I don’t necessarily lock her in lock away time to read a whole book listen to a whole bunch a song I’m gonna all hear a topic gotta be something that’s relevant for me and they don’t find some content on that and then and read that in a in a bite-sized chunk yeah so I’m forever and the the commute that traveled to see me is good for this I’m forever coming coming across something that’ll Big Ben inches and then I’ll find the podcast on that deep dive in the deep dive into that spend 15 minutes and then go to connect see and that’s a yeah probably plenty of psychology log you it’s maybe not the best approach but for me I love consuming this real kind of a curious mind I’ll hear something and I’ll always want to just get to know that to the next level so podcast super in like old forever probably forever just sort of you know jumping Fotolia jumping in and finding it you find one on a particular topic in and jumping in I also like I like when I’m on a particular project I like following the knowledge kind of trail as deep as I can that be you know working with a particular client I always like having my learning in context like I’m a real practical learner so just sitting aside and reading a you know the listening of progress really booked it’s not in the context of something I’m doing doesn’t really you know my comprehension slower yeah so if I’m starting a project with a particular client I’ll go really deep on there you know history about many material I can read so I for me that’s where I can get most of my learning it’s always really in context and yeah and and timely no nice man on the learning part if you had that one back the years and give you a younger version of yourself some advice and what would you what would you say I don’t have any regrets in the way that I’ve get my life character I think for me it gonna university was was a really valuable step I think for as much I met my wife you know that’s the pretty valuable right exactly I can’t put a doll take my mana cannot but any of the university experience was as much about maturity and personal crisis was about the education so yeah and that doesn’t need to be universe and so and I am a equally supportive of an approach where we’ll get that get a practical education in different ways but I think for me the the learning life experience Trump’s all things and so I’ve been really fortunate you’re gonna university travelled a lot more life and I’ve you know that I hate paper time carry a backpack and for me that was really important so I really like I don’t really have any I don’t have any regrets I think I I think if I you know the advice is just keep keep taking those opportunities to put yourself into new situations yeah you know I always consider always consider how how the activity that you’re doing you know will shape in the future yeah yeah that’s me no regrets and I am hopefully I can say that same thing in that 20 nose 95 somebody wants to get in touch with you potentially learning you know from your experience in you know building a start-up or your finding a co-found or anything in that health space what’s the easiest way for people to try and get in touch LinkedIn hit me up on LinkedIn or email Pat Pat @q Aventis calm yeah always happy to always have another conversation and I love I love learning from other people the other other way that I learn is through conversations a lot interacting love learning so always have people kind of reach out and yeah my content awesome I think if you talk your any Japanese very much.
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